We have a day full of clients preparing their bodies for the London Marathon today (Bex is feeling very jealous!). Here’s a few tips to prepare your body between now and Sunday:
1) SLEEP - prioritise sleep between now and then. Try and get in to bed an hour earlier each night (don’t worry if you get a bad one the night before as it won’t effect your performance on the day)
2) HYDRATE and FUEL well - don’t over eat as you don’t want to feel sluggish on the start line, but it might be a good idea to increase the % of carbohydrates in your diet
3) Active REST - there’s no fitness to be gained at this stage and no time to recover from any hard sessions or big mileage but keep your body moving with some gentle runs and walks
4) PLAN - get your race day kit and transport organised, plan what pace you are going to go out at and have a plan B and C too. Visualisation is a great tool to help you plan your race in a positive way - imagine yourself running strong down the Mall at the end
5) ENJOY! - enjoy every single second. You’ve done all the hard work just soak it all in!!
Good luck!!!